GDN2-800 Series Nitrogen Generator
Where is Nitrogen Used?
In many applications, oxygen is the enemy. Oxygen can cause food to spoil, rubber to deteriorate and steel to rust. The best way to combat the negative effects of oxygen is to supplant it with nitrogen. After all, the air around you is 78% nitrogen. Below are a few examples of how nitrogen is vital to many applications.
Food Packaging
Removing oxygen from food packaging processes extends product shelf-life by preventing mold, moisture migration and insect infestation.
Beer & Wine Manufacturing
In addition to extending shelf life, nitrogen also helps in beer and wine manufacturing by providing an inert atmosphere during the mashing and lautering operations.
Chemical Processing
Nitrogen is used to propel liquids through pipelines, manufacturing ammonia, and removing oxygen from chemical processes where oxygen could become a safety hazard.
Metal Fabrication
Oxidation is a huge adversary when it comes to plasma and laser cutting. By introducing nitrogen into the process, it is possible to remove oxidized edges and the additional steps they cause.
Petroleum Refining
Nitrogen is used to maintain pressure in oil and gas reservoirs, blanketing storage tanks and for product loading/unloading. It also helps in petroleum refining by stripping out volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from waste streams.
From packaging and moving mixtures between vessels to helping with fire suppression, nitrogen plays a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry.