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Branch Spotlight: New Stanton - Services Specialized for the Energy & Transportation Industry

, | May 31, 2018 | By

One common word that comes to mind when thinking about the Energy & Transportation division at Cleveland Brothers is reliability. Every day, truck drivers travel hundreds, even thousands of miles to transport goods that our country depends on.

In addition, hospitals and data centers cannot sacrifice even moments of power loss, making electric power generation crucial. And when a compressor engine goes down on a petroleum site and thousands of dollars are being lost by the minute, reliability cannot be taken lightly.

That is why Cleveland Brothers opened a dedicated branch in Nov. 2006 to serve our customers in energy and transportation-related industries.

Specialized Services

New Stanton is one of the Energy & Transportation division’s main hubs, which consists of sales, rental, parts and service for electric power generation, petroleum and on-highway truck. So whether you need an engine rebuild, a truck oil change or perhaps a one-time heater rental, New Stanton has a solution for you.

One of those solutions is Dynamometer (Dyno) Testing for on-highway trucks. The New Stanton Dyno has the capability to run a heavy-duty truck, in place, at operating road speed as if it was on the highway.

So how does it work? There are large rollers on the bay that are placed directly under each tire that acts as the road. The truck is then chained down to prevent any mobility, is started and begins to “drive” perfectly in place. By performing this test, a Cleveland Brothers technician is able to quickly detect and diagnose any operational torque or power problems of the engine. Once we are able to diagnose a problem with an engine, our team is able to repair it quickly to get our customers back on the road.

Another unique capability offered at New Stanton is a rebuild trailer dedicated to Cat G6300 engines. This trailer, filled with parts unique to the G3600 engine, allows a Cleveland Brothers technician to travel to a customer’s job site and perform any repairs needed on-the-spot. Due to the size, weight, and complexity of the G3600 engines, we could never efficiently perform on site rebuilds and repairs out of service trucks alone.

These are just a few of the recent innovations that make the New Stanton branch stand out. Some of the best things about the branch don’t involve our advancements or technology, however. Instead it lies within the people and their vision for the company. By collaborating and implementing new ideas, Cleveland Brothers is able to offer exceptional service and maximum value to each and every customer in the New Stanton and Hunker area.

Have Questions about New Stanton?

To learn more about our New Stanton location, please contact Ryan Altemus, Western Petroleum Regional Manager at 724-861-6080 or read more by visiting the New Stanton location page.

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