The cold weather has arrived! Bundle up your equipment with our winter preventive maintenance tips. Although built to operate in the toughest conditions, these few simple procedures will keep your Cat® equipment running at their best. Protecting your equipment means you will avoid costly repairs and downtime.
Whether you still work during this winter season or store your equipment until you are back and ready to gear up in the spring, take advantage of these important guidelines to ensure your equipment is ready to work.
Preventive Maintenance Checklist
- Check Your Batteries
When working in the winter weather, your batteries use more power to get your equipment started up. Make sure to fully charge your batteries and keep them warm when not in use. Always allow time for your engine to warm before use!
- Keep the Undercarriage Clean
Remove any snow or debris buildup from your machine’s undercarriage. Cleaning your Cat Undercarriage helps lower your owning and operating costs and reduces your machine fuel usage. If you clean it regularly, it takes less than 5 minutes to complete and gets easier every time! Check out this video on how to clean your undercarriage:
- Use the Correct Oils and Antifreeze
Make sure all fluids are topped off. Cat Oils are proven to reduce component wear, improve performance and maximize equipment uptime—that means more for your bottom line. Our Cat Antifreeze formula is a heavy-duty cooling system fluid, designed to provide protection to your engine against pitting, freezing and corrosion.
- Store Equipment Not in Use Away from Elements
When your machine is not being used, it’s best to keep it out of the elements for an easier start and less man hours brushing off all of the snow accumulated. If your machine is off the clock during the winter months, make sure you detach any attachments and store them away separately to avoid damage to hinges and joints.
- Perform Inspections and Take Care of Tires
Conduct a visual inspection before each machine use. Performing a walkaround inspection during each shift ensures you aren’t missing a potential problem. In addition, take care of the tires by making sure the tire pressure is at optimal performance level.
Take advantage of our current special on Preventive Maintenance today. For all deals and specials, click here. For additional questions, contact your local Parts & Service Representative today.